Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2018

Work Customs For Teacher Profession in Japan

Last week I discussed about the Japanese work customs in general, this time I will discuss the Japanese work customs specifically that is for teacher profession.

classroom in Japan

How do the Japanese appreciates a teacher? Japanese assumes the teacher as a very important and valuable profession because it is in charge of educating children for the nation future.
1.      In japan primary school students teach by teacher with a doctorate. This shows that they are very serious about teacher profession and they realize that early age education is very important because the child’s brain growth occurs at the age of 0 to 10 years old. In Japan, teacher is person who skillfuls and competents in their field. Being a teacher is not just teaching but a teacher must know about pedagogics, that’s why it must be graduated from department of education. Meanwhile, nowadays in Indonesia some schools accept teachers no matter about their educational background.

2.      Guiding the process of learning (gakushu shidou), the teacher must be able to make the learning atmosphere be fun and out of pressure by doing extracurricular activities, arts, social and ect.

3.      Guiding students (Seito Shido), this is the process of developing students’ personalities to become a warm and open-minded. Yes, in Indonesia teachers are also required to have abilities like this. But teachers in Japan do this by including students in community activities so that they can actively interact.

4.      As well as Indonesia, Japan also has teacher evaluations. Giving awards and salary increases to outstanding teacher, also gives a conducive atmosphere to increase teacher spirit in working. While, for teachers who are less capable in their field will be given training. Nah, this is the difference teacher evaluation in Japan and Indonesia. So in Japan, they don’t only make teacher evaluations but they also gives award to teacher who has a good achievement to make them maximal in working.

5.      “There is no favourite school”
Because all schools are regulated by the government there is no special difference between favourite school or not. By this regulations parents wouldn’t confused to put their children in certain school because all of the schools are same.

6.      Japanese teacher will always try to stay close to their students. One of the way they do this is by sending a ‘shochumimai’ or summer greeting card. The contents of the card are generally in the form of questions that ask for news, sharing or remind. For example like asking “what about you vacation?”  Or “the school is lonely without your presence”. This greeting card aims to establish warm communication with students and foster enthusiasm to be ready to go back to school for the next few weeks.

Those are about teacher work customs in Japan and honestly I am proud to the teacher profession 😊 Thanks for reading..

9 komentar:

  1. Thanks information. And overall it's good writing

    1. Urwell febby, hopefuly its useful for us 😊

  2. Exemplary for us as young teacher candidates

  3. I think, Little differnt how Japanese's teacher and Indonesia's teacher in giving Subjcet or learning materi for their students

    1. I think so maya, just choose the best one 😊


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